"Experience" is the "single foot" of home sales

We often describe several key elements of a brand: unique features, price, packaging, service, experience, convenience, emotional resonance, and more. In the end, what is the “experience”? The “experience” does not seem conspicuous in the middle, nor does it play so important.

If someone asks you "Why are you buying this product?" "What is the reason for choosing a brand?" This is really a headache. Maybe you will find a reason to smother the past. However, when we calm down and think carefully, we may not be able to evade the importance of a quality "experience" for purchasing and re-purchasing. Its importance may exceed price, packaging, convenience, etc. The vocabulary at the mouth.

One example to mention here is Burger King and McDonald's. There is a saying that "Burger King is selling a product, and McDonald's is selling an experience." In terms of product taste and quality, the two are difficult to distinguish, but McDonald's sales are about seven times that of Wendy's fast food and Burger King. McDonald's has always strived to create a pleasant dining experience for consumers. They have effectively marketed young children and built a very strong relationship with them. This sentiment has been affected until these children grow up.

The biggest difference between Starbucks and ordinary cafes is that ordinary cafes sell a cup of coffee, while Starbucks is an experience. From brand name to LOGO design, Starbucks is associated with a sense of curiosity. "Starbucks" is taken from the American classical adventure novel "Great White Shark". The protagonist is a boat officer named Starbucks. He is very vocal, loves coffee, and has rich experience in sailing. Starbucks' LOGO image design comes from the ancient Poseidon story that most people are familiar with. In "Odyssey", Homer describes how Poseidon lures sailors into the water and lets them die happily in the voice of ecstasy. Medieval artists portrayed these creatures as mermaids, and these creatures have spread throughout Europe, and they used them to decorate the roofs and walls of the cathedral. The young two-tailed sea god in the Starbucks logo was interpreted by the Middle Ages. As a result, Starbucks' legendary names and logos can easily create an impression in the minds of customers, and from curiosity to finality, this associative experience is also a favorite of many Starbucks fans. Starbucks' elegant interior and unique human environment, wooden tables and chairs, elegant music, and sophisticated coffee making utensils provide consumers with an elegant and laid-back atmosphere. People who have been to Starbucks coffee shops will have some unique experiences, which we call "Starbucks Experience". These experiences and stories are shared experiences that are worth sharing with others.

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