How much is the decoration of a small house

Nowadays, because house prices in the first-tier cities have risen rapidly, many single dogs have chosen to purchase a one-bedroom house. However, although the house is small, it is not a simple matter to decorate it. So, how much is a one-room-one-room renovation ? What are the small house decoration techniques? Face we will come together to understand it!

How much is a room and a living room decorated?

1,90 square meters of one room and one room decoration price

For 90 square meters of one-bedroom, one-bedroom decoration prices, in fact, it does not have an accurate figure at all. The main factors affecting its price change are different materials, different styles of decoration, needs of different owners, different cities, and so on. However, the decoration price of 90 square meters is generally controlled between 150,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan. (for reference only)

2, 60 square meters one room one hall decoration price

How much is the price for one room and one room decoration? We all know that the cost of decoration will certainly be lower for a 60-square-meter house than for a 90-square-meter house. However, if you have high requirements for the decoration of the house, then the decoration usually takes about 15 million. Of course, if your economic conditions are limited, 60 square meters of house decoration prices can also be controlled within 100,000 yuan. (for reference only)

3, 40 square meters one room one hall decoration price

40 square meters of house decoration prices are generally controlled within 80,000 yuan. Of course, if it is a first-tier city, then the 40-square-meter house decoration costs will be much higher. So, if you want to know the exact price of the house decoration, you can ask the decoration company!

Second, what are the small house decoration skills?

1. Space should follow the principle of "light decoration"

Because of space constraints, the decoration of small houses must follow the principle of “light decoration”. In fact, light decoration refers to the combination of practicality of space and furniture configuration on the premise of limited space. This not only avoids cumbersome decoration, but also allows some room to be moved out, giving the occupants a sense of freedom.

2. The use of space should be reasonable

Small-sized apartment decoration must be clever use of space. Neither can the space be used too full, nor can it waste space. Therefore, we can “grab the space” from the wall, such as designing partitions, because the partitions can be used to place scraps of life or books.

Editor's summary: The above gives you some information about how much money is spent in the decoration of a room and a living room, as well as the knowledge of the small house renovation skills. I hope to give you some help. If you want to learn more about the decoration of the one-bedroom and one-room decoration, you can continue to pay attention to our website. Follow-up will show more exciting content!

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