Why do I need your information when handling POS?

Anyone who has already handled the POS machine surely knows that the POS machine handles various information that needs to be handled by the POS machine, such as: positive and negative ID card, debit card number, real-name-certified mobile phone number, credit card front (the back must not be Easily give it to others), holding ID photos, etc.

For small partners who have not handled POS machines, there is some concern when submitting this information: Will you steal my information and will you steal my card?

Pay Xiaojun today to give you a science app, why the pos machine needs your personal information.

User screening (ID, debit card)

The POS machine is a tripartite payment tool. After the settlement, the funds are of course going to the bank card under the name of the banker. However, in addition to the normal use of our cards, there are still some criminals staring at credit cards to commit crimes. Their means are usually stolen brushes, protests, etc.

Then, before processing the POS machine, it is necessary for the customer to submit information. If you don't submit data, you can bind POS machines. Criminals can easily use the purchased POS machines to engage in criminal activities. When the danger occurs, the public security agency investigates it, because the pos machine has no real name registration and cannot help the victim to save the loss.

Fu Linmen always puts the safety of user funds first. When users use our products, they need to upload information such as ID number, debit card number, bond card number, handheld ID photo, etc.

Wind control needs (credit card)

At present, most pos machine transaction settlement methods are divided into T0 and T1. Although T0 facilitates user needs, it also gives criminals an opportunity. When the pos machine is used, in addition to requiring the applicant to provide an ID card and a clearing bank card, another security lock is a credit card. Because every person is applying for a credit card, the bank's risk control department has already reviewed the applicant's data. This way, our funds have an additional layer of security.

Here, Fu Xiaojun also reminded everyone that if someone asks you to borrow information: identity cards, bank cards, credit cards, etc., you must be vigilant.

Information security guaranteed

At present, when we deal with pos machines, most of them upload approving materials through app, and the information materials are uploaded directly to the headquarters, so less human participation is required and information security is guaranteed.

The payment company deals with capital transactions. The level of network security is almost the same as that of banks, and information is very unlikely to be stolen.

As long as the credit card is authenticated, do not back it. Because if stolen credit card photo, but not your trading password, nor three CVV code on the back of a credit card, your credit card is also safe.

When Paying Door asks users to upload relevant information, it is only used for auditing and transaction authentication, and other people cannot view it.

Hardfacing overlay ductwork square to rounds, as the name suggests, convert square or rectangular ductwork to round wherever such a transition is required. This may be to connect rectangular ductwork to ventilation equipment designed for a circular connection, or to change the duct shape to pass through a confined space. In confined areas such as ceiling voids (the space between the suspended and structural ceiling of a building) it's common to see ductwork runs comprised of both rectangular and round spiral duct - the main duct and branches are rectangular as the equivalent sized round duct may not fit into the ceiling void. Square to rounds provide the means to make this transition.

Square To Round Transitions

Square To Round Transitions,Square To Round Duct,Square To Round Parts,Double Casing Cone